“Jordan led the game design team in our studio and delivered great results consistently. I relied on him heavily as a game design leader and he never let me down.”
— Bilal Bajwa, GM of FrontierVille at Zynga
“We worked together on the creation of CBS’s first Facebook game... Jordan steered the ship masterfully.”
— Maryann Martin, Vice President of Licensing Operations at CBS
“Honest, extremely intelligent, and easy to work with - I would team up with Jordan again without hesitation. ”
— Brian Cho, Head of Business Development at Riot
““Jordan works at the highest level of creativity and expertise. He’s always willing to go the extra step and surpasses expectations.” ”
— Jack Gutowitz, Writer at CSI:
“Jordan worked with Telltale for a couple of years... He was always hard working and picked things up very quickly. I always respected that he knew how to be cooperative but still push back when necessary. Also, he is a trustworthy and honorable person.”
— Dan Connors, CEO at Telltale Games
“I Had a great time working my butt off with Jordan and would recommend him as a strong leader. ”
— John Teymoorian, Product Lead for Heroes of the Storm Esports
“Because of the specific recommendations we received from Jordan, our game is both more fun for players and able to monetize those players more effectively.”
— Richard Barnwell, CEO, Digit Game Studios
“Working with Jordan it is readily apparent that he is driven to create the best games possible... These efforts are reflected in a history of profitable titles.”
— Geoffrey Mattei, Consultant at Bain & Company
“Jordan was a critical element in the design of what became Hempire (top grossing on iOS+Android). As founders new to the industry he was both patient and attentive to teaching us the core tenets of solid design. There just wouldn’t have been Hempire without Jordan.”
— Dennis Malloy, President of LBC Studios
“What can I say about Jordan? He’s extremely smart, committed and always willing to help. There were a couple of moments in the project when we couldn’t have pulled it through without him.”
— Bogdan Oprescu, Lead Designer at Ubisoft Sofia
“On CastleVille Jordan joined my team toward the end of my tenure on the product and showed a great deal of creativity and imagination. He was utterly professional and worked with me to quickly grasp the IP and then molded his recommendations and story work to fit the requirements. I’m a fan.”
— Steve Garvin, Design Director at Zynga
“Whether pitching his own ideas or playing devil’s advocate while listening to the ideas of others, Jordan is able to maintain a “10,000 foot view” of a project and at the same time think about the details on a micro-level without getting tripped up somewhere in between.”
— Steve Merkel, Operations Engineer at Microsoft
“Jordan was the mastermind behind the launch of the CSI:Crime City Facebook game at Ubisoft.”
— Matt Marcheschi, Senior Licensing Analyst at Ubisoft